This note is a summary of the exploration of developing Coq Plugin. It will collect a lot of (ir)relevant information that might help understanding implementing a Coq Plugin.

Official Documents


Coq itself

I setup Coq using opam, and then install the coq-core from opam; and then I git-clone the coq source code in another directory. This can avoid all the possible building issues, but with the source code and working Coq on my hand.

I use VSCode, and together with OCaml-lsp-server. Note that, to turn on code analysis in coq repository, you need to first run dune check inside coq repository, then the OCaml-lsp-server will starts to work.

Coq Plugin

There are four tutorials that include the basic examples of constructing Coq plugins. However, they all use makefile, and it will make LSP non-functional.

To build plugins using dune:

Now you should have a functional VSCode helping you.

For these four tutorials:

  • Tut0 provides a hello world example, in my opinion it is mainly used to test the building environment
  • Tut1 has the most detailed comments. The main theme is about Coq and Coq plugin’s interaction. For example, how to accept a piece of Coq AST code and inspect and manipulate it from Plugin/OCaml’s side.
  • Tut2’s main theme is about how to maintain customized data inside plugin, possibly persistently
  • Tut3 includes the most important, which is about constructing Coq’s (possibly inductive) data from Plugin/OCaml’s side

Some fragments of thought

  1. There are also a full (maybe outdated) story of how the parsing command for plugin means. You might find it helpful.
  2. In construction_game, find_reference is annotated as deprecated and suggesting to use Coqlib.lib_ref. It is easier to use, for example, if you want to refer to the addition function for nat, then check Coq doc/source code, and looking for this sentence Register add as num.nat.add.. Then you can directly get the reference via Coqlib.lib_ref "num.nat.add". It is written clear in coqlib.mli
  3. In Coq, some natural number literals and string literals will not be interpreted until certain syntax scope is open. This means natural number and string literals are not intrinsic data of Coq’s core language. But it is still possible to reflect a OCaml string into Coq’s string. Except for using the above idea that recursively calling constructor of string,
    1. a quick and dirty way is to use CAst.make @@ CPrim ( Constrexpr.String (Names.Id.to_string f)) for ` f: string. to get a Constrexpr.constr_expr, which by interp_constr_evars`, we can get a typed Coq string.
    2. Check Notation.interp_prim_token_gen you will see how the string literals are handled –
    3. which also shows the downside – we have to instantiate the local_scope. An easy way out is to, in Coq file, first open the string scope, then issue the command that will interpret the CPrim of string.
  4. If you wonder what is econstr, check here. Basically it is a typed term with some unsolved meta-variable. So the Evd.evar_map store the meta-variable. And Global.env() is about global definitions

How far can I extend Parser?

Module Component

  1. The projection on module fields like a.b.c will be interpreted as Names.ModPath.t.
  2. MPdot is the constructor that represent . projection; MPbound of uniq_ident (* reference to a module parameter in a functor *) (locate at names.mli) is also related <!–
  3. How does . become MPdot?
  4. How to make sure ModPath can access to the thing I want? (Like a database, or library something)
  5. Can I extend grammar for new core language? Not only new command, but also new constr_expr/EConstr.expr ?
  6. 3.5 What is wit_ all about?
  7. How does type checking interplay with module parameter?
  8. How to instantiate [a term parametrized by a module type] by a module? –>

Fragments of thought

  1. Coq program starts inside the folder toplevel, also stm.mli will call Vernacinterp.interp which handles the interpretation of vernacular commands in Coq. stm stands for state-transaction-machine interface
  2. pcoq.mli seems includes the key documentation of parser extension
  3. GRAMMAR EXTEND Gram is really just context free grammar (complete style), unlike in the plugin
    1. For example, the GRAMMAR EXTEND Gram\nGlobal: [sth] sth here are all the non terminal I assume
    2. Unlike in the plugin, VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND ... this style is very partial, and doesn’t create new non-terminal symbol explicitly
    3. Look at How Mtac extends grammar, it is definitely possible to extend using GRAMMAR EXTEND
    4. Look at How Coq-Equations extends a existent non-terminal
      1. Of course we know we cannot extend constr_expr/EConstr.expr because it is a OCaml data structure
      2. but we don’t know after this parsing, for this new equation for this non-terminal, where will the data constructed by extended law go to? How to make control flow
  4. How does . become MPdot?
    1. The possible answer is on g_constr.mlg:189, we have a rule
      1. | id = ident; f = Prim.fields; i = univ_annot -> { let (l,id') = f in CAst.make loc @@ CRef (make_qualid loc (DirPath.make (l@[id])) id', i)
        1. we should test this idea by putting an reference/qualid in plugin
      2. Once CRef is created, the Constrintern.internalize will apply intern_applied_reference to analyze CRef, which again uses intern_qualid
        1. which is called by intern_gen, which is called by interp_constr_evars to type check
      3. Note that, EConstr.tGlobRef.tKerNameModPath.t
      4. thus EConstr.mkRef should be able to represent a module
  5. Where does ModPath refer to?
  6. When modifying the environment
  7. The Summary.frozen seems to relates to all the current global information
    1. start_module will call protect_summaries which generate summary and pass into Lib.start_module
      1. which will again store this summary information by add_entry.start_mod in Lib.start_mod
      2. Summary.freeze() and Summary.unfreeze will store and take out the snapshot of the memory and
      3. The problem is, I still cannot see how environment Environ.env() information are changed by the Summary.freeze() and Summary.unfreeze
        1. Because Global.env() will just return !global_env at the end, and this global_env seems something Summary in charge
        2. Summary is working because there are no “higher-order reference”, like pointer to a pointer to a pointer, every ref points to an immutable stuff. So the idea is that, Summary freeze will record all the reference
        3. actually even if it is “higher-order reference”, it is still working as long as every level of reference is registered in Summary. Then a one copy of a flat Summary is just like a deep copy
  8. Manipulating context related to Module
    1. Environ.add_modtype might be able to do modification
      1. then what is the_modtypetab used for? why there is this side effect stuff
    2. add_modtype seems to have correspondence in Global and other modules
  9. Contrexpr.module_ast_r only include CMident, CMapply, CMwith, the part that refer to the outer usage of module
    1. Global.end_module has indicate the complexity of module construction
  10. How to construct a module body?
    1. The interaction happens by g_vernac.VernacDefineModule, it will be translated to vernac_define_module and vernac_begin_segment in vernacentries
    2. Vernacentries.vernac_end_module seems to be the starting point of “internalizing” a module
      1. this calls declaremods.end_module
  11. Consider the complexity of Module and all other facility. Directly simulate the Vernacular Command seems a better idea.
    1. interp_control will call Vernacentries.translate_vernac seems to be the place that interpret a vernacular command
    2. still – to call it requires setting up the atts:Attributes.vernac_flags
      1. I still need to figure out which part is triggering the vernacular commandline.
    3. It seems like Stm.query is the one that mainly handover to interp_control, however calling it is also infeasible because it is too stateful
    4. Let’s try to set up atts:Attributes.vernac_flags by empty list first
    5. I think atts:Attributes.vernac_flags is really just those attributes from compilers – set to empty is totally valid
  12. Vernacentries.translate_vernac
    1. is called by vernacinterp.interp_expr, which is called by vernacinterp.interp_control, the atts is setup by cmd.attrs where cmd is inside the vernac_control
    2. interp_control is called by vernacinterp.interp which is called by Stm.stm_vernac_interp
    3. Stm.stm_vernac_interp will setup st using State.get_cached at
    4. at is of type Stateid.t, which can be constructed by Stateid.dummy
    5. stm_vernac_interp will pass on expr: vernac_control to Vernacinterp.interp
    6. Stm.query will use parse_sentence to construct vernac_control
  13. Vernacentries.translate_vernac will not actually do anything but only pass the DSL data to
    1. interp_typed_vernac, which will return a pair of “Lemma and Program” information
    2. these information will be propagated to interp_gen, and set into the global by Vernacstate.Declare.set
    3. it will also propagated up until stm_vernac_interp, but the returned value from stm_vernac_interp is largely ignored
  14. vernac_assumption will call comAssumption.do_assumptions which seems pretty complicated 4. When Parameter and Axiom are used, it is not related to Global.push_named_assum, so weird. 5. | Some b, NoDischarge -> Global (importability_of_bool b) | None, NoDischarge -> Global ImportDefaultBehavior in enforce_locality_exp makes the control (setting the scope) 6. For example, Parameter has discharge=NoDischarge, Decls.assumption_object_kind=Definitional, and thus declare_axiom
    1. will be called instead of declare_variable, which is calling push_named_assum
  15. Thank god there is the Modops.module_type_of_module function that can transform a module body


  16. Why module type can have definition inside??
  17. Each ident in parser can resolve to module, but generally a full path will resolve to quald = reference
  18. Look at g_vernac.mlg, we use parenthesis to indicate the
    1. Include (module_type)
    2. Module appliciation that resolve to CMapply(module_expr, module_expr_atom) is of type
    3. So it seems that using module_ast = module_ast_r CAst.t is a good idea to refer to module, module type
  19. How to extract module type given a fixed module?
    1. Nametab.locate_module can get ModPath.t from qualid
    2. given a ModPath.t, using (Declarations/Global/Environ).lookup_module we can get module_body
    3. then module_type_of_module can extract module_type_body
    4. then Environ.add_modtype can add module_type_body into th environment
      1. Globalmigth have a better add_modtype
      2. Declaremods.declare_modtype might have a good idea on how to use this add_modtype
  20. However, the above seems very unreliable,
    1. see Declaremods.declare_modtype, before add_modtype, there are a bunch of work on universe solving
    2. So the most reliable idea seems to be check how Printmod.print_module reify the module signature information
      1. and then we use parser again (I know it is ugly)
  21. To resolve