Notes that, this note is following the book Lecture on Curry Howard Isomorphism.

Note 1 is about semantic of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic, not yet relevent to our concern. When I finish that I will move it out of the sketches.

This note is about STLC in two styles `a la Church/Curry, and week/strong normalization.

Church Style and Curry Style differs (from its formalization) in how they present lambda term. In Curry style, we are still focusing on the UTLC (introduced in Note 0), and we only focus on those typable term in the UTLC. While Church embed type information into the lambda term that is worked on and thus a “subset” of the original lambda term is to considered.

I think Curry style shows a more non-intrusive beauty in its definition, however, it doesn’t have as good property as Church’s – We cannot show that a lambda term has a unique typing. For example, $\lambda x.x$ can be typed as any form of identity: $A \rightarrow A, B \rightarrow B$ … The book suggests using a meta-type-variable $\tau$ to say that $\vdash \lambda x.x : \tau \rightarrow \tau$, and described as “a limited form of polymorphism”. However, what comes as a surprise is when the book says Curry style is the foundation of Haskell – I always thought Haskell still uses Church style, it is just with a power of omitting explicit type annotation (like writing term of $\lambda x:_ . x$) and also has the power of System F (parametric polymorphism/ term dependent on type/ $\lambda 2$). Anyway, this can be easily checked by looking at a language reference and not that important – what is important is

How weak is Curry style compared to $\lambda 2$? How weak is Church compared to Curry (since Church doesn’t have parametric polymorphism in the first place.)

Anyway, if Church is really weaker, it comes as a good price – the typing is unique up to $\beta$-equivalence.

Easy Property

Both Church and Curry have the following auxilary property.

Substituion lemma:

  • $\Gamma, x: T \vdash M : \tau$ and $\Gamma \vdash t : T$ $\Longrightarrow$ $\Gamma \vdash M[x:= t] : \tau$
  • $\Gamma \vdash M : \tau$ $\Longrightarrow$ $\Gamma[\alpha := T] \vdash M : \tau [\alpha := T]$

Free Variable Lemma, Manipulation of the context solely depends on free vars:

  • Extension of context will not change term’s type
  • Free variables of the typed term must be in the domain of the context
  • Contracting context to only free variables preserving typing of the term.

Generation Lemma: The typing rules are ‘reversible’.

Subject Reduction (Preservation): $\beta$-Reduction preserves type.

Church also has the Uniqueness Property, where each term can only have one type; and the type is unique up to $\beta$-equivalence.

Weak Normalization

Strong Normalization
